International conference - Port City Futures - Delft

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Schielandshuis en Museum Rotterdam en TU Delft

Port City Futures - Conference

The conference is dedicated to the manifold relations between cities and ports. Historically, ports and cities have engaged with major transformations in interconnected ways – ways that will continue to play a role in the future: A strong port city culture can help resolve spatial development questions generated by contemporary urgencies, such as the energy transition, climate change, new technologies, transformations of work conditions so that the port and city (and region) can jointly evolve in a limited space. 

To test this hypothesis and to develop a long-term research agenda, this conference brings together port, city, and regional stakeholders and academics from various port cities to compare their experience with Rotterdam. It aims to stimulate/facilitate discussions between participants on port city relationships by looking at the past and learning from it, identifying contemporary problems and creating future opportunities, identifying and connecting and involving main stakeholders identifying specific different political, economic, social, cultural settings.

Information about the conference

For further information please contact Tino Mager, faculty TU Delft, via



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