Are you looking for a minor this spring and would you like more information about your options? Join the LDE Minor Week to learn more. Not only at your…
Discover smart sustainability strategies of the Pharmacy and ICU of Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC). How does the hospital pharmacy organise sustainable…
Humans affect natural systems on earth, such as climate, biodiversity and the health of life on earth. With medicine wastage, use of disposable products and an…
Who is responsible for the sustainable transition in healthcare? Does a better healthcare environment start with the healthcare professional themselves, or with…
Researchers from universities, UMCs and universities of applied sciences join forces within the regional ecosystem for health and innovation at the Action in…
The new Sophia Children's Hospital and Erasmus Medical Centre will inspire you with stories about growing food and ‘Greening Healthcare Together’. Get to know…
Discover the benefits of repairing, refurbishing and recycling medical devices locally and washing surgical gowns, hats and incontinence materials instead of…