Research Programmes
Research Programmes
of Leiden University, TU Delft en Erasmus University Rotterdam

Research programmes

Leiden University, TU Delft, and Erasmus University Rotterdam together cover a very wide spectrum of disciplines, and are complementary to a significant degree. All three are highly regarded universities with research groups that rank among the world’s finest.

LDE Centres en Programma's

Read about the research of the LDE Centres and Programmes:

LDE Centre for BOLD Cities LDE Centre for Education and Learning LDE Centre for Frugal Innovation in Africa LDE Centre for Global Heritage and Development  LDE Centre for the Governance of Migration and Diversity LDE Centre for Sustainability LDE Programme Port City Futures LDE Space for Science and Society LDE Healthy Society LDE Initiative Climate and Biodiversity

Medical Delta

At Medical Delta, we focus on thirteen scientific programs. Noticeable for all of these programs are the multidisciplinary collaboration between clinicians and technologists. Thanks to the input of Universities of Applied Sciences, business corporations, health care institutions, governments, and the application of the Living Labs all of the programs have impact. Impact on the human, health care sytem, knowledge development and the society.

Medical Delta

The full research portfolio

A full overview of research at Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities can be found at the following pages:

Research Leiden University  Research TU Delft  Research Erasmus University Rotterdam