Erasmus MC
The Convergence
of Life Science, Physical Science and Medical Science

The Convergence of Life Science, Physical Science and Medical Science

The TU Delft, the highest ranked university of technology of the Netherlands, and Erasmus MC, the largest university medical centre in the Netherlands, together have the expertise, resources, facilities and drive to profoundly impact on the future of health and healthcare in the Netherlands and beyond. We move beyond traditional ways of collaboration to a new way of joining forces.

Erasmus MC and TU Delft want to create an ecosystem in which world-class scientists from different domains integrate their knowledge, expertise and methodologies to accelerate scientific discovery and innovation to promote health and improve healthcare. Erasmus MC and TU Delft already collaborate in many different areas but want to move from collaboration to convergence of life science, physical science and medical science. We therefore adopt a strategy of synergy in the areas of research, education and innovation. To this end, we have defined common goals, a joint strategy and flagship programmes of joint research. We’re converging traditional disciplines into new fields of research and education. Together, we have the expertise, resources, facilities and drive to make a profound impact on the future of health and healthcare.

The Convergence of Life Science, Physical Science and Medical Science