LDE Dean Wim van den Doel looks back on 2024: ‘The value of science to society is evident’

van den doel

Wim van den Doel, Dean of Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities, looks back on a productive year of the cooperating Leiden-Delft-Erasmus universities. But not without first mentioning political developments.

'The value of science to society is evident. It offers great benefits and in working together, we can tackle big issues smarter.' Keeping a broad, global perspective is also essential, Van den Doel argues. ‘After all, many wicked problems are global problems.’

   You need all disciplines, not just engineering and economics, but also social sciences and humanities.'

'Climate, health, migration: with a multidisciplinary team you can go further, with more promising directions for solution. You need all disciplines, not just engineering and economics, but also social sciences and humanities. And interaction with parties outside the universities. That is exactly what we stand for with Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities', says Van den Doel.


Science under pressure

Science education and research has come under pressure in 2024. Van den Doel: ‘The current government endorses the importance of innovation on the one hand, but it is simultaneously implementing far-reaching cuts to education and research. It is good to see that, just when dark clouds gather, the boards of the three Leiden-Delft-Erasmus universities continue to stand for cooperation in South Holland'.

Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities

anne fleur bold
Centre for BOLD Cities

And there is plenty of such cooperation, as last year's activities show. For example, in the multidisciplinary Leiden-Delft-Erasmus centres. Van den Doel: ‘Most of the LDE centres have existed for about ten years now, which means they have built a network within the three universities and also forged strong ties with external partners.’

   The connections from inside to outside and vice versa are crucial because we deal with social issues.’

repair workshop
Workshop Retail2Repair

‘For example, the LDE Centre for BOLD Cities with VNG, TNO and CBS, the Centre for Sustainability with Techniek Nederland (Technology Netherlands) and Circulair West and the Centre Governance of Migration with the FNV (The Netherlands Trade Union Confederation) and Vluchtelingenwerk (Dutch Council for Refugees).’ There is also increasing cooperation with other alliances such as Medical Delta and with ZHIA, the collaboration of universities of applied sciences. Van den Doel: ‘Those connections from inside to outside and vice versa are crucial because we deal with social issues.’

White papers with recommendations for policy and governance

The Leiden-Delft-Erasmus white paper series published two new editions in 2024: in May the paper ‘Connect Climate and Biodiversity’ and in November ‘The Migration City of Then, Now and Later’. Both brought together insights from scientists and experts in the field, aimed at policymakers and administrators.

Climate and Biodiversity

Climate and Biodiversity is also a new LDE initiative in which climate engineers from TU Delft collaborate with environmental scientists from Leiden and with Rotterdam lawyers and economists. The white paper was presented by LDE president Annetje Ottow to deputy Berend Potjer of the province of South Holland.

migration cityIn the autumn, the conference of the LDE Centre for Governance of Migration and Diversity took place where the white paper ‘The Migration City of then, now and later’ was presented.

The LDE centres organised many meetings with and for partners on social issues. Like the conference of the LDE Centre for Sustainability with Techniek Nederland (Technology Netherlands) on the subject of repair and circular economy.

The Centre for BOLD Cities brought together researchers and policymakers on the subject of digitalisation in the city and the Centre for Port Cities Futures continued to build its international network around port cities.

Healthy Society and the province of south holland
Healthy Society and the Province of South Holland

Healthy Society, the cooperation between Leiden-Delft-Erasmus and Medical Delta, gained an important partner in the province of South Holland, focusing on prevention and reducing health inequalities in the region.

Stimulating science through research projects

Furthermore, several important research projects were carried out from the LDE centres, such as the NWA programme ‘Towards a more diverse diversity policy’ by the LDE Centre for Migration and Diversity, the project ‘Sea-ing Africa: Tracing Legacies and Engaging Future Promises’ and ‘Big Infrastructure Projects in Port City Regions in Ghana and Morocco’ by the LDE Centre for Port Cities Futures.

   The education on offer moves along with needs from society.'

Education: new forms, with society

Honours students

Van den Doel: ‘ The education on offer moves along with needs from society and bottom-up initiatives from researchers and lecturers’. This year, for instance, the new Space Honours programme, the LDE-Nairobi Climate resilience Thesis Lab, the Governance of Migration and Diversity law master's track and the Leiden-Rotterdam Economics and Society programme came into being. Also, the new minor on the future capital of Indonesia was launched.

hague living
Thesis Workshop The Hague Southwest

The number of Thesis Labs was expanded so that transdisciplinary education can take place at more locations in South Holland next year, where students from different fields of study work together with clients. Van den Doel: ‘The Thesis Lab concept has more than proved its added value. Master's students are used to working in teams on real life cases'.

The same applies to the Thesis Workshop The Hague Southwest in Moerwijk. ‘Graduates often end up working for governments, such as the Municipality of The Hague.’ This summer, the Thesis Workshop concluded an agreement with two housing corporations and the Haagse Hogeschool for more cooperation.

space demo
Space Summerschool

From the LDE Space programme, an international Summer School took place this summer with NL Space campus in Noordwijk.

International cooperation: LDE Global

LDE not only wants to be relevant in its own region, but also elsewhere in the world. Van den Doel: ‘After all, many wicked problems are global problems.’ In 2024, the LDE East Africa Research Network (LEARN) was further expanded by partner institute Nuvoni in Nairobi.

Nusantra collaboration

The long-standing cooperation with Indonesia received an additional boost this summer with the signing of an agreement with the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and Technology to establish a consortium with five Indonesian universities: Universitas Airlangga, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Indonesia, Institut Teknologi Bandung, and Universitas Mulawarman. The Indonesian government provided 1.6 million euros for this cooperation.

blue city
Green study associations

The Leiden-Delft-Erasmus alliance also created new networks within the universities. For instance, on the initiative of the LDE Centre for Sustainability, the students of the various green study associations met to exchange ideas on making the campuses more sustainable.

LDE Traineeship

The LDE Traineeship programme celebrated its tenth anniversary in 2024. The successful programme attracts new talent to the universities every year.

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Photos: Iris Klop, Barbra Verbij, Tiffany Konings , et al.

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