Biotechnology, artificial intelligence, solar energy: all innovations with ethical concerns. Who is the innovation for and what are its external effects? This goes beyond just sustainability. During this minor you will be introduced to the technical, managerial and socio-economic principles that govern innovation, and discuss ethical and other conditions for making the world a better place.. Lecturers from Leiden University, TU Delft and Erasmus University Rotterdam teach you to look at this subject from different perspectives.
The joint Leiden-Delft-Erasmus minors are multidisciplinary and open to all students of Leiden University, TU Delft and Erasmus University Rotterdam.
In the minor Responsible Innovation, you will learn how responsible innovation can be defined and analyzed; how it can be conducted at the level of a project team, of a company and of an entire economic system; how to think critically and creatively and avoid irresponsible innovation. We will address the challenges and possible solutions to the problems such as increasing algorithmization of life, promises and risks of biotechnologies, ‘green washing’, inequality and a need for stronger citizen participation, energy crisis and environmental issues.
Work on a real-life innovation case study
The unique component of the minor is an opportunity to work on a real-life innovation scenario in partnership with a company, a non-governmental agency or public organization. Among the continuous and past partners of the program are innovation hubs PLNT (Leiden), Green Village (Delft), The WorldStartup (The Hague), Municipality of the Hague, Hivos foundation, RHIA (Rotterdam The Hague Innovation Airport), In4Art, DCHI (Dutch Coalition for Humanitarian Innovation). Throughout the semester, together with peer students you will learn how to identify the problem correctly, design and evaluate possible solutions.
Benefit from LDE combined knowledge and skills
In this minor, we combine the unique knowledge and skills of TU Delft, Leiden University and Erasmus University Rotterdam, with teachers coming from Law, Management, Philosophy, Humanities, Science and Technology Studies and Safety, Risk and Security. The students and teachers bring with them their own focus, expertise and perspectives, which helps to generate a valuable and inspiring atmosphere of interdisciplinary exchange. Exposed to a variety of points of views, knowledge traditions and practical methods you become empowered to foster your own creative visions and contribute to social change and innovation.
Whether you see yourself as a potential change agent or want to explore the world of responsible innovation theory and practice, this minor is for you.
Reasons to choose a Leiden-Delft-Erasmus minor:
1. Joint education programmes provided by three top universities.
2. Urgent social issues and new potential solutions.
3. Lecturers and students from a range of specialisms.
4. Case studies from businesses, government authorities and NGOs.
5. A network in Leiden, The Hague, Delft and Rotterdam.
More Leiden-Delft-Erasmus minors
What are the key features of the multidisciplinary Leiden-Delft-Erasmus minors?
- Admission requirements: Most Leiden-Delft-Erasmus minors are open to all students of Leiden University, TU Delft and Erasmus University Rotterdam. A small number also require prior knowledge or involve a selection process.
- Number of places: Although it varies according to the minor, between 40 and 90 students can participate (see the link below for numbers for each minor). A number of places are reserved for each university in order to ensure a balanced distribution from the different programmes.
- Language: All Leiden-Delft-Erasmus minors are taught in English.
- Credits: All minors have a coherent program of 30 EC. It is possible to only follow the first block of 15 EC.
- Location: The lectures and seminars are held in one or more of the following cities: Leiden, Delft, The Hague, Rotterdam.
- Applications: You apply for a Leiden-Delft-Erasmus minor via eduXchange.
- Selection: Some Leiden-Delft-Erasmus minors are selection minors, which means you will need to write a motivation letter. Make sure you check the application date.
Students about this minor:
Mariangeles Falero Cabrera, Leiden University, Political Sciences: 'Through this program, I've honed my ability to scrutinize innovations, questioning who they serve and their wider consequences. It's not merely about sustainability; it's about ensuring that our advancements contribute to a better world for all. Working alongside experts from Leiden University, TU Delft, and Erasmus University Rotterdam, I've embraced diverse perspectives, understanding responsible innovation from technical, managerial, and socio-economic angles. The highlight of this journey has been the opportunity to tackle real-life innovation challenges in collaboration with industry, NGOs, and public organizations. From identifying problems to designing and evaluating solutions, I've witnessed firsthand the power of responsible innovation in action. By combining the collective wisdom of multiple disciplines—law, management, philosophy, humanities, and more—this minor has empowered me to think critically and creatively. It's not just about learning theories; it's about becoming a catalyst for positive change, equipped to navigate the complexities of our modern world.'
Louis Taillandier, TU Delft, Aerospace Engineering: 'This minor perfectly combined my fascination for innovation and technology and my ambition to make the world a better place. Doing so in a diverse environment with students from Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam really opened my mind to new perspectives and allowed me to meet people and ideas that I wouldn’t have met otherwise. Connecting with students and professors that care about the future and learning with them how to create a responsible future through innovation was an inspiring and empowering experience. And we had some fun along the way, it was a great experience!'
Luc Stoppelenburg, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Sociology: ‘This minor has broadened my perspective in several ways. The interaction between different studies and cities was very valuable to me and also a lot of fun. The freedom and independence were big pluses for me. I would definitely recommend this minor, even if you think it might not completely match your current bachelor's degree.’
Henk de Vries, lecturer at the Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University: 'One of the cases in this minor is about the climate effect of our computer use. That's bigger than you think. The question for the students is how they can make users aware of this, by not only providing factual information but also making the impact tangible – the latter is where the innovation lies.' Read more
'The students come from various courses, such as business administration, international studies, archaeology, civil engineering, history, nanotechnology, and technical administration.'
Lotte Pet, coordinator of the Minor Responsible Innovation, Leiden University, adds: 'The teachers of the Minor Responsible Innovation come from all three LDE universities. The students come from various courses, such as business administration, international studies, archaeology, civil engineering, history, nanotechnology, and technical administration.' Read more